

Free Puppy Play Tuesday!

Puppies from 10 – 20 weeks old play for free on Tuesdays to experience the joys of playgroup and improve their social skills! This is an important time for puppies to meet new people, well adjusted adult dogs, and other puppies as well! To avoid exhaustion and over stimulation, we provide a quality play program for all of our play groups.



  • Your puppy must be at least 10 weeks old, and pass their daycare evaluation, to play
  • There is paperwork to be filled out that you may either print and bring in, or fill out in the lobby when you’re here
  • Proof of vaccinations:
    • 10-15 week olds need their FIRST TWO sets of puppy shots and boosters (distemper/parvo and bordetella).
    • 16+ week olds need their final set of puppy boosters AND rabies vaccination
    • After 5 months all vaccinations are required!

We do not offer training classes; however, here are some suggestions:

All Breed Rescue and House of Dog.

Central719 599 9663